
I'm Brooke Peterson.

I design delightful user experiences by having genuine conversations with people.

I’m a UX/UI designer with experience designing and developing high-end products. Below you’ll find a curated collection of my work, featuring major business projects, UX design challenges, and class capstone courses.

Paymode-X 4.0 Dashboard Redesign

Highlight users’ payment and invoice statuses, insights, and network statistics with an intelligent and personalized dashboard making it far more valuable, modern, and efficient.

UX Research

Web Design

UX Design

Paymode-X Mobile App

Streamline the payment process for banks and businesses by enabling them to approve, reject, and track their payments and network—all from a mobile device.


Mobile Design

UX Design Lead


Ease the process of understanding complicated Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features in vehicles with “Autopedia,” a fictional online encyclopedia for autonomous features in cars.

Capstone Project

Project Manager

UX Design

MentorMe Mobile App

Make college mentorship easier and more accessible with “MentorMe,” a fictional app that pairs you with your perfect mentor or mentee based on your needs, on your terms.

UX Challenge

Mobile Design

Personal Project